March 2, 2008

Michael Ferris Jr

When I enter this page, I was struck by the patterns imprinted on human flesh. Perhaps, it's not the patterns that struck me, it's the sculpture that has such resemblance to prehistoric beings that awed me. Well, Apocalypto by Mel Gibson, gave me quite unforgettable memory that Mayans or people of prehistoric era, bear tattoes on their face as a portrayal of war achievements or bravery. These patterns that look like shooting targets remind me otherwise - Chinese pressure point maps. Yes, I thought I just revisited my childhood memories of being dragged to Chinese Sin-se clinics with huge anatomy diagram on the wall and it's enclosed with pressure points for acupuncture. Whatever, I hope you get me.

I still don't quite own the artist's eye. Tell me what you see.

Maybe, you'll see something in Michael Ferris Jr's sculture.

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