March 16, 2008


Another entertaining movie I'll add to my list that starts growing thin. Penelope was filmed in 2006 but only released early this year in the States. I did not go on digging for the reason but the story itself is captivating enough for me not to doubt its quality.

Born with the snout of a pig, young Penelope Wilhern (Christina Ricci) spends her life a virtual prisoner in her home. Believing that the only way to break the curse is to marry one of her own kind, she meets a number of suitors, but all reject her. Two devious men , one with a grudge against the family, hire a man to pose as a suitor, but complications arise when he begins to fall in love with Penelope, and she makes a bid for freedom.

© 2008 Summit Entertainment.

Does this sound familiar to you? Turn pig's snout into scissors and Christina Ricci into Johnny Depp, you get Edward Scissorhands, maybe with less Tim-Burton-ish grim.

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