January 25, 2008

Earth Hour 2008


Let’s do an environmental theme this weekend. I just watched An Inconvenient Truth, not much of a surprise for you, since most of the sentimental kind was so hyped up with this documentary when it was first released. Al Gore made his impact on giving a shock to the society however, the change did not take place as intended, or at least, in public eye.

Global warming and other social dogmas were made a PR stunt by most companies now. Microsoft & Dell will increase their revenue with the release of (RED) so that they can donate more? All clothing apparels are using organic cotton for whatever known reason that made their brand looks green and environmental friendly. China still has the villain look as ever. And, most movies are illustrating the doom of human kind decades down the road.

One of the green house related stunt or "effort" goes to EarthHour. I remember having those moments back when I was staying with my ol' granny. The electricity supply went down and we all could still enjoy the chill in the night. They walked outside and talked to each other, sat on the stools with a cuppa in their hand. Best of all, I looked up and stars were glittering at its best. Do you still remember such scenes that once existed in your life?

Last year, the people of Sydney made an effort to turn off the electricity for an hour. And that's the significant Earth Hour with 10% reduction in use of its power grid. Quoting Josh Spear's explanation - In CO2 terms, that's the equivalent of taking 50,000 cars off the road for an hour.

Now EarthHour is back for 2008; this event has turned global, and on its quest of mankind to turn off the lights for one hour. With businesses so dependent on electricity and energy-consumption, we need to collectively remind ourselves of what we're doing and how we need to change, or at least we should starting making an effort towards this intended evolution. On March 29, 2008 at 8pm in your time zone, you can be part of Earth Hour's environmental movement. Melbourne, Toronto, Chicago, Copenhagen, Brisbane, Tel Aviv and Manila are just some of the global cities that are taking part. If you're not in those cities, you can still sign up at the Earth Hour website and make a difference.

There's always something to talk about, something to do. So, start something, and make something out of it, today.

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