January 6, 2008


Taken at White Sand Dunes, Muine, Vietnam

Some people commented that the pictures I took at this sand dunes look great. Sometimes, it's the place being so beautiful that, no matter how you press the shutter, the saturation of the sky will always be so perfect in the end. Margie concluded this when she stayed in Europe. I couldn't agree more.

Muine has a stretch of 6km shoreline which gives way to the blooming of development projects for resorts and restaurants. Naturally, tourism will rise to be the major source of income for locals - be it the kids or adults. Fortunately, right after the 6km coastline, all I could see was still the normal fishing village life and stinky fish market. For now, the children are still naive, playful and fun to "hang out with" since they did not request for money after each game we played together or each photograph I took, which was very likely to happen at other parts of Vietnam.

The point is - white sand dunes area is far from other attractions hence is also less desired by the throng of tourist buses. I'm glad this allowed me to take my shots that day, and also ignoring the teases from those that will not comprehend why I rather walk further to explore the possibility of good shots than sledding sand. Even though I could only venture as far as 2 hours' of time could allow me, or the dunes were not in the shape I dreamed of, still, the moment of you standing on top of the dune, looking afar to stretch of monotone is magnificent. Solitude, it is.

I hope the scene will stay how it is for another 10 years. Maybe less.

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