May 24, 2010

What can basil do ?

My flatmate bought a pot of basil and she's been watering it everyday. I tell you, this plant is a demanding monster because it needs huge amount of water everyday to sustain its hue of pretty green on its leaves. That doesn't come cheap - for remembering this task before either one of us head off to work.

Then I thought - what can I cook out of it? * blank *
Usually, my first inspiration is caramelized onions and it's been a useful stepping stone to whatever dish I'll end of preparing in the end.

For example, basil salad with parmesan. This is delicious, especially added with cherry tomatoes later on.

Basil salad also serves as great side dish for roasted rosemary chicken.

I suppose being in a country where fresh food is sold in the market, and well preserved in the cold weather did help me to fall in love with cooking even more.

Basil, oh, basil. I'll think of another way of eating you tonight.

May 4, 2010

My parents were awesome

Sometimes, when I'm home sick, I will drop by this place, reminiscing on people's parents, and let my mind wandering how my parents could have looked like 50 years ago.

How's your day dream like?

The Awesome Site

May 2, 2010

Facebook-less - Cleanse & deactivate !

27 April 2010 2am in the cold morning, I officially removed my profile from Facebook ! At the same time, I made a brief record of the tedious process I went through get myself clean.

- Removed 57 photo albums and 6 video I posted
- Removed 2 Pages I administered
- Removed close to 400 photo tags and 8 video tags
- Deleted one by one of all 450 ++ friends
- Unchecked all control settings related to privacy control
- Change all privacy settings with View rights to "Only Me"
- Left all 89 groups I joined
- Removed some pages I "liked"
- Removed personal details, left my company's Network
- Renamed myself from Farg Bacebook -> No Bacefook
- And ... there you go - Deactivate Account and give a crappy reason and persist on deactivation despite the tricky pop ups from Facebook.

There are some steps listed above that might appear unnecessary. However, working all my life in IT industry, I do not trust Facebook for really deactivating my account in all databases. So, before I deactivated my account, I had to be sure by cleaning up my profile and ensuring there is no content left in it - no friends, no photos, no videos, nothing posted, no tags. Neither am I sure that my face in some friends' photos will still be tagged with the hideous name that I have changed my profile name to. So, all is clean.

Gosh, my social media footprint is shockingly scary.

Facebook addicts seem to live in a totally different world, speaking FBian lingo, engaging in FB activities. Unfortunately, that is not the life I want to live in.

Now, it's time for a picnic, a real picnic. :)