February 4, 2008

Don't click here!

Why using "click here" in posting links is a bad practice? I never learned the solid reasons behind it until I read this convincing page by a Finnish guy, Jukka "Yucca" Korpela. You should give it a read because the justification is very convincing!

"Click here" mistake was featured in the design mistakes review made in 2005 by Jakob Nielsen which has been maintaining this almost-yearly-updated list of Top Ten Design Mistakes since ... many years ago. "Click here" was one of the many mistakes I was tagged for. In fact, my posting habit was developed, aligning to what I’ve come across in others' blogs. Since “Click here” was used widely in websites and web logs, I just presumed it is the best practice. From now on, I will kill this word off all the links I include in my posts. I try.

FYI, Click here for the post. Opps, did I do it again?

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