April 17, 2011

Colonial Traces

Just like my home town Penang(Malaysia), Popayan is a city of ex-colony. The common traits for all victims of Spanish conquistador era were slave trading and massive torturing, then leftover of some colonial buildings. I do not know if all of these happened in Popayan but I doubt it could escape the fate. That made me wonder if such madness happened in Penang as well when the Brits ruled the place.

There is lack of awareness from myself and my generation to understand the history and its influence on society. I tried and I failed. "Does it matter?" People generally think then shrug of the idea of learning about their past. In reflection on countries that cannot stop dwelling on what the colonist has done unto their countries, I'm glad my country has way moved on from that golden era and created an identity of its own. Despite the need, as long as the approach gives value to development ( money) and social identity (money), there goes the public opinion.

Anyway, in comparison to many other ex-colonial cities in Colombia, Popayan stood out to me as the most authentic one since the old colonial quarter has integrated to the civilian's daily life. Business activities took place here - commercial buildings in properly maintained old buildings, tonnes of universities in a small town, occasionally you would bump into eccentric looking hostel but they are not many ( surprisingly).

So no Cartagena, but Popayan.

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