January 28, 2009

2009 Wishlist

1. PSP - I don't think I'm going to use this often
2. WiiFit - I prefer the outdoors but it's just cool to have this
3. Oven - For a good attempt to start baking/roasting/grilling and whatever it can do
4. New car - Finances do not seem hopeful but we'll see
5. Nikon D90 - I shall get this before May 09?
6. A change at work before July
7. Good bods - Hmm, work harder, babe!
8. A flight ticket to Europe - And make somebody pay for this.
9. Watch a striptease in Amsterdam - Muahaha! It's bit too wild but definitely will be fun to try out. It'll be even more fun to get a few guys to come along.
10. Hot Italian secret lover - Right -_-" Let's pray.

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