April 11, 2008

50 simple tips for healthy lifestyle

I've been google-reading some blogs about self-improvements and that sorts. Here's something very useful and just simple enough for anyone that reads it to really do it.

Screw all the diet pills, healthy replacement meals, or re-engineered food, best health improvement comes from tweaking your bad habits into healthier lifestyle. In fact, to achieve that, you don't have to spend 100k to get a plastic surgery as you might not even feel healthier after all the arduous process. All you need to do is reading 50 tips by DumbLittleMan. The post in DumbLittleMan's blog actually elaborates further on 4W+1H - Why What Who When Where How. I'm not sure about the "Where" but it's worth a read.

You life changes from today.

What can you do in 10 minutes or less?

More than you think. In a brief 10 minute window you can release tension, prevent future frustrations, get your blood flowing, etc. In fact, here are 50 things you can do. With time out as an excuse, what are you going to begin doing differently tomorrow? I don't care what it is, the point is, just do something!

Here are some ideas. If you have other thoughts, leave them in the comments!
  1. Brush your teeth

  2. Do 15 sit-ups

  3. Read the health news headlines of the day

  4. Straighten your posture

  5. Eat an apple

  6. Stand up and stretch

  7. Send a friendly email to a friend

  8. Resist the impulse purchase of a candy bar

  9. Post an inspirational quote on Twitter

  10. Do 10 lunges

  11. Drink a glass of water

  12. Smile

  13. Put a package of oatmeal in your pocket or purse for a healthy breakfast or snack

  14. Throw a bottle of water in there as well

  15. Plug your cell phone into the charger

  16. Pay a bill online

  17. Ask to have your salad dressing on the side

  18. Start a dollar jar to be added to once per day

  19. Open a window

  20. Say thank you to someone who deserves it

  21. Take a deep breath

  22. Put on your seat belt

  23. Wake up 10 minutes earlier

  24. Post a comment on a blog

  25. Turn off the lights when you’re the last one out

  26. Put on your make-up (this usually pertains to the ladies, but hey, whatever makes you happy)

  27. Share a healthy recipe

  28. Give your mother a call

  29. Wash your hands

  30. Put on hand lotion

  31. Check your blood pressure

  32. Jog in place for 9 minutes

  33. Throw away that pen that doesn’t work

  34. Take a canvas tote bag to the grocery store

  35. Ask a friend to join you for a healthy dinner

  36. Put down the remote control and get up to change the TV channel

  37. Hug your kids

  38. Replace your next cup of coffee with a cup of tea

  39. Lay out your clothes for the next day

  40. Put your car keys in the same place everyday

  41. Take a 10 minute break

  42. Suck on a breath mint

  43. Add a little pepper to your salad

  44. Load the dishwasher

  45. Play FreeRice for 5 minutes

  46. Take a quick walk

  47. Prepare your coffee maker the night before

  48. Skip your late evening grocery store run

  49. While watching TV, do 5 push-ups during the commercial

  50. Read this list over again and count how many things pertain to you

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